
What does Kriptown do?

We bring innovative solutions to businesses and institutions through digital assets.

Who are we?

Founded by 4 partners in 2017, Kriptown is the neo-exchange for startups and SMEs. Our platform facilitates equity financing through an innovative approach and technology. Our members can contribute to these funding transactions through digital assets that can then be held, used or traded on our secondary market. Since 2020, Kriptown has expanded its offering with a novel engagement solution for corporate employees: The Incentive 2.0. This new offering provides a pragmatic solution to the cumbersome and inflexible existing solutions (BSPCE, BSA, loyalty program ..) with the aim of aligning the interests of a company with its ecosystem.;

What we do

As a player in the real economy, we support companies and institutions in their growth and development operations.
We provide customized technical solutions through our experts.
We address corporate financing issues and help build team commitment and retention.

Our values



We are committed to enhancing transparency in the financial services sector.We establish a selection of companies and we are accompanied by a law firm, a chartered accountant and an audit firm.


We ensure strict compliance with applicable regulations and are registered as a PSAN with the AMF and as an e-money issuer agent with the CSSF.


We are convinced that in order to move forward together, kindness, respect and listening are the keys to winning partnerships.

Team spirit

Kriptown is a multidisciplinary team driven by a common passion to support you in your success

Our priorities


Customer satisfaction

To listen to our customers, to adapt to their needs, to anticipate them and to build together a solid and lasting relationship.


Kriptown has developed a unique technology platform that we intend to continually evolve.


Kriptown makes its platform accessible to startups and SMEs wishing to raise funds by allowing the largest number of players to support their development from 1 €.

Kriptown is a société par actions simplifiée (simplified joint stock company) with capital of 517,859.61 euros, registered with the RCS of Paris under number 838 268 415. LEI code 89450020TYDWWXJSZX23.

Kriptown is registered with the Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF) as a digital asset service provider, for the services of custody of digital assets on behalf of third parties, purchase or sale of digital assets in legal tender, and operation of a digital asset trading platform under number E2022-030.

Kriptown is an agent of the electronic money institution Mangopay SA. Mangopay is registered as an Electronic Money Institution with the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier du Luxembourg (CSSF).

High volatility of digital asset prices. The capital invested is not guaranteed. Any investment may result in a partial or total loss of capital.

Kriptown © 2024